Source code for graphscope.framework.operation

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2020 Alibaba Group Holding Limited. All Rights Reserved.
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""" Classes and functions used to construct dags.

import hashlib
import uuid

from google.protobuf.json_format import MessageToJson

from graphscope.proto import attr_value_pb2
from graphscope.proto import op_def_pb2

[docs]class Operation(object): """Represents a dag op that performs computation on tensors. For example :code:`g2 = g1.add_vertices("path")` create an :code:`Operation` of type "ADD_LABELS" that takes operation of :code:`g1` as input, and produces a graph dag node :code:`g2` which contains this operation as output. After the dag has been launched in a session, an `Operation` can be executed by :code`op.eval()` or passing it to :code:``. """
[docs] def __init__( self, session_id, op_type, inputs=None, output_types=None, config=None, large_attr=None, query_args=None, ): """Creates an :code:`graphscope.framework.operation.Operation`. Args: op_type: :code:`types_pb2.OperationType` Value for the "op" attribute of the OpDef proto. inputs: A list of `Operations` that will be the parents to self output_types: The operation's output type config: Dictionary where the key is the attribute name (a string) and the value is the respective "attr" attribute of the OpDef proto (an AttrValue). large_attr: List of `LargeAttrValue` for large chunk. query_args: Values that used as query parameters when evaluating app. Raises: TypeError: value in inputs is not a :class:`Operation` """ self._session_id = session_id self._op_def = op_def_pb2.OpDef( op=op_type, key=uuid.uuid4().hex, output_type=output_types ) self._parents = list() if large_attr: self._op_def.large_attr.CopyFrom(large_attr) if config: for k, v in config.items(): self._op_def.attr[k].CopyFrom(v) if query_args is not None: self._op_def.query_args.CopyFrom(query_args) if inputs: for op in inputs: if not isinstance(op, Operation): raise TypeError("Input op must be an Operation: {0}".format(op)) self.add_parent(op) self._output_types = output_types self._evaluated = False self._leaf = False
@property def key(self): """Unique key for each :code:`op_def_pb2.OpDef`""" return self._op_def.key @property def parents(self): """A list of :code:`graphscope.framework.operation.Operation`""" return self._parents @property def evaluated(self): return self._evaluated @evaluated.setter def evaluated(self, value): self._evaluated = bool(value) @property def type(self): return self._op_def.op @property def output_types(self): return self._output_types @property def signature(self): """Signature of its parents' signatures and its own parameters. Used to unique identify one `Operation` with fixed configuration, if the configuration changed, the signature will be changed accordingly. Note that this method has not been used. """ content = "" for op in self._parents: content += str(op.as_op_def) content += str(self.as_op_def()) return hashlib.sha224(content.encode()).hexdigest() def is_leaf_op(self): return self._leaf
[docs] def eval(self, leaf=True): """Evaluate by :code:``. Args: leaf (bool, optional): Leaf Operation means there is no successor. """ # NB: to void cycle import # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel, cyclic-import from graphscope.client.session import get_session_by_id self._leaf = leaf sess = get_session_by_id(self._session_id) if not self._leaf: sess.dag.add_op(self) res = self._evaluated = True return res
def add_parent(self, op): self._parents.append(op) self._op_def.parents.extend([op.key])
[docs] def as_op_def(self): return self._op_def
def __str__(self): return str(self.as_op_def()) def __repr__(self): return "<graphscope.framework.operation.Operation '%s'(%s)>" % ( self.type, self.key, ) def to_json(self): """Get json represented op.""" return MessageToJson(self._op_def)